Mayor W. Reed Gusciora today announced that immediately following positive COVID-19 tests for three employees, City Hall will be closed until Nov. 3, 2020 so the building can be vacated and sanitized according to the City’s COVID-19 protocol.

City Hall employees are to work from home until Nov. 3, 2020 and cannot return to City Hall until they are evaluated for exposure to the virus. Essential services such as police, fire and sanitation will continue normally, and additional services will be restored as department employees are cleared for work. The City Clerk’s Office will remain open to accept provisional ballots leading up to the general election.

City residents who have traveled to City Hall and are concerned about possible exposure should contact the Office of Emergency Management at (609) 989-4200.

Three employees have also tested positive at the Trenton Water Works administration building. Water treatment and other critical services have been unaffected. Customer service professionals have already been equipped to work remotely and continue to respond to any customer concerns.

We’re not taking any chances as a second wave advances on our city,” said Mayor Gusciora. “We acted as soon as we heard of the positive tests and closing City Hall is the best way to ensure employee and resident safety. I can’t think of a better sign to Trenton residents that we need to take this disease as seriously as ever. For the sake of your loved ones, make sure you wear a mask, observe six-foot social distancing at all costs, and get tested if you have any suspicion you might be infected. If you feel sick or show symptoms, stay home!”

Trenton has had 4,151 cases since March, including 80 COVID-19 related deaths. As of Oct. 19, 2020, national forecasts predict that 3,500 to 7,600 new COVID-19 deaths will be reported during the week ending Nov. 14, 2020. These forecasts predict 235,000 to 247,000 total COVID-19 deaths in the United States by Nov. 19, 2020.

Thomas Peterson is the Editor in Chief and founder of Peterson’s Breaking News of Trenton. Thomas founded PBT in 2012.