Peterson’s Breaking News of Trenton is deeply disappointed by the recent incident involving the Trenton Farmers Market Facebook page. A laughing emoji was initially seen reacting to our Juneteenth post, a day that commemorates the end of slavery and celebrates freedom and African American culture. It is disheartening to witness such a reaction, especially considering the market serves a diverse community, many of whom are minorities.

Two hours later, the Trenton Farmers Market posted their own Juneteenth message, which only added to the confusion and dismay. One of our followers aptly questioned, “Who laughs reacts to the celebration of the end of slavery? This area of NJ is weird.” Another pointed out the inconsistency, stating, “Yet 2 hours ago and made a Juneteenth post…weird. Watch who helps run your pages I guess.”

Just after 11:00 PM, the Trenton Farmers Market changed their reaction from a laughing emoji to a ‘Love’ reaction. While we appreciate the correction, the initial response has already caused concern and disappointment within our community.

It’s concerning to see an establishment like the Trenton Farmers Market, managed by Bill Kearney, exhibiting such behavior. While they benefit from the patronage of a diverse clientele, including many minorities, this incident shows a lack of respect for the very community they serve.

We urge the Trenton Farmers Market to address this matter seriously and ensure that their social media pages reflect the values of inclusivity and respect. It’s crucial for businesses to recognize and honor the significance of Juneteenth and other important cultural celebrations.

Thomas Peterson is the Editor in Chief and founder of Peterson’s Breaking News of Trenton. Thomas founded PBT in 2012.